How to Generate NordVPN Wireguard Configs With Linux Script

Normally NordVPN doesn’t provide Wireguard configs to you but you can generate with simple Linux bash script on Github.

Method 1:

Wireguard configuration file generator for a NordVPN

bash scripts that generates Wireguard configuration file for a NordVPN connection.


This guide assumes the use of Ubuntu. A similar install procedure will work on other distros.

Clone this project

First let’s clone this project so that you’ll have the script on your target Ubuntu system.

git clone

Install required packages

sudo apt install wireguard curl jq net-tools

Install NordVPN client

Execute the following command and follow the on screen instructions:

sh <(curl -sSf

Login to your NordVPN account

The procedure differs if you have MFA enabled on your account:

  1. MFA is ENABLED on your account
    nordvpn login

    This will return a URL link. Open the link on any browser, on any machine and perform the login. Cancel out of the Open with popup, and copy the link that is assigned to the Continue link, under the message saying You've successfully logged in.

    Back to the terminal

    nordvpn login --callback "<The link you copied>"

    And it will log you in.

  2. MFA is NOT ENABLED on your accountUse legacy username and password to login.

    Note: This will NOT work if you have Multi Factor Authentication enabled. (See above for the MFA method)

    nordvpn login --legacy

Change protocol to NordLynx

After a successful login, please set NordVPN to use NordLynx protocol.

sudo nordvpn set technology nordlynx

Generate Wireguard configuration files

The script is quite simple and can be run without parameters to generate a config file for the recommended server:

$ ./
Getting configuration for recommended server...
Wireguard configuration file NordVPN-us1234.conf created successfully!

Requesting a specific country:

$ ./ --country Canada
Getting configuration for recommended server in Canada
Wireguard configuration file NordVPN-ca1234.conf created successfully!

Requesting a specific city

$ ./ --city Berlin
Getting configuration for recommended server in Berlin
Wireguard configuration file NordVPN-de1234.conf created successfully!

Requesting a specific country and city

$ ./ --country Japan --city Tokyo
Getting configuration for recommended server in Japan, city: Tokyo
Wireguard configuration file NordVPN-jp1234.conf created successfully!

Getting help:

$ ./ --help
Usage: NordVpnToWireguard [OPTIONS]
OPTION includes:
 -v | --version - prints out version information.
 -c | --country - Country to connect to (ex. Canada). If option is not provided, NordVPN will get a wireguard configuration for the recommended country, unless a valid city name is provided.
 -s | --city - City to connect to (ex. Toronto). When country option is provided, NordVPN will look for the the city within the country and return the fastest server. If no country is provided, NordVPN will look up the fastest server for a city matching the name.
 -h | --help - displays this message.

Use the generated Wireguard configuration files

Import the file/s with the Wireguard client in any platform and activate the VPN.

Method 2:

Instructions to obtain WireGuard details of your NordVPN account. These can be used to setup a WireGuard tunnel on your router to NordVPN.



If you have any linux machine, use that or install a vm if you don’t have one.

Get their official linux app installed. Make sure you have wireguard installed too. And set the used technology to Nordlynx by running nordvpn set technology nordlynx

Fetching details

Connect to nordvpn with command: nordvpn connect (don’t forget to login with nordvpn login --legacy).

Fetch (your) IP address

After successful connection run

ifconfig nordlynx

Fetch your private key


sudo wg show nordlynx private-key

Output of this command should be something like this:


The key above is just a random key for demo purposes.

Fetch your public key


sudo wg show nordlynx public-key

Output of this command should be something like this:


The key above is just a random key for demo purposes.

Fetch server details

Make sure you have curl and jq installed on your host/router. These are needed to be able to fetch the config of NordVPN Server. If not installed, go ahead and install

opkg install curl jq

After installation enter the command below to fetch the recommended server config:

curl -s "\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1"|jq -r '.[]|.hostname, .station, (.locations|.[]|.country|, (.locations|.[]|.country|.name), (.technologies|.[].metadata|.[].value), .load'

Output: #your endpoint host #its ip address
London #city
United Kingdom #country
K53l2wOIHU3262sX5N/5kAvCvt4r55lNui30EbvaDlE= #Server public key
10 #Server load at the time.

Or just visit the following url\[servers_technologies\]\[identifier\]=wireguard_udp&limit=1 from your browser and look for the details manually.

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