DuckDuckGo Email Protection Public Beta: Protect Your Inbox with

  • The beta for DuckDuckGo Email Protection is now available to everyone since the queue has been abolished. today and get your email address!
  • With the help of the free email forwarding service DuckDuckGo Email Protection, you can instantly generate an unlimited number of private, unique email addresses without having to change email services or apps. It also eliminates many covert email trackers.
  • Link Tracking Protection, Smarter Encryption, which helps with unencrypted email links, and the capability to reply directly from your Duck Addresses are additional new features that we’ve implemented.
  • Enrolling is simple: Upgrade to the most recent version of the DuckDuckGo mobile app (iOS/Android), then go to Settings and choose Email Protection. When using a DuckDuckGo browser plugin (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave), or DuckDuckGo for Mac, go to on a desktop computer (beta).

Getting your very own email address is simple with Email Protection beta!

Why Hide Your Email Address or Block Email Trackers?

Have you ever registered your email address for a coupon or loyalty program, only to start receiving emails from businesses you had not previously subscribed to? Or did you discover advertisements following you after you clicked on an email link? It’s not just you! Companies may monitor you, target you with advertising, and manipulate what you see online in a variety of ways by using your email. Without your awareness, they may even divulge your personal information to outside parties.

Companies insert trackers into email messages’ graphics and links so they may gather information on when and where recipients view emails as well as the devices they used. Approximately 85% of the beta testers’ emails in our restricted Email Protection beta had concealed email trackers! Very cunning. These details can be used by businesses to create a profile of you.

Email trackers can collect details about when and where you opened a message as well as the device you were using.

Additionally, monitoring businesses are able to use your personal email address as a profiling identifier as it is linked to so many online activities including shopping, browsing social media, and more. Many businesses are so desperate for your personal email address that they will even extract it from online forms you haven’t even finished filling out! In addition to sending you additional emails, businesses frequently upload your email address to Google and Facebook so they may target you with obscene advertisements on apps and websites.

DuckDuckGo Email Protection is being reintroduced (Beta)

DuckDuckGo Email Protection is a free email forwarding solution that eliminates several covert email trackers and enables you to instantly generate an infinite number of individual private email accounts. You don’t need to switch email providers or manage numerous accounts if you use Email Protection with your current email service and app. Email Protection delivers your more private emails directly to your inbox while operating in the background.

Approximately 85% of the beta testers’ emails in our restricted Email Protection beta included hidden email trackers, we discovered.

Making Duck Addresses is possible once you sign up for Email Protection. There are two sorts that aid with email privacy protection:, for example, is a personal Duck address: Any emails sent to this address will be cleaned of email trackers on our block list before being redirected to any personal email address you supply, where they will land in your normal inbox. We’ll include helpful information, such as how many trackers we’ve removed, the name of the company that seems to be responsible, in emails that have been forwarded to you.

Private Duck addresses that are special (like DuckDuckGo automatically recognizes email fields while you browse various websites, giving you the option to create a special Private Duck Address for added security against email address profiling. Private Duck Addresses forward emails with privacy enhancements to your own mailbox, just like your Personal Duck Address does. It is far more difficult for businesses to track you if you use a different Private Duck Address each time you are asked for an email address. Additionally, each one of them can be deleted at any time, for instance if you start getting spam at one of them.

Millions of extra private emails are forwarded each week as a result of how well-liked the Email Protection beta has been so far. Email privacy has been made simple, and we’re excited to let everyone test it out in the beta.

DuckDuckGo Email Protection Updates
We’ve been making adjustments based on user feedback since since DuckDuckGo Email Protection entered private waitlist beta.

Link Tracking Protection: We can now identify and remove an increasing number of the trackers contained in email links in addition to blocking trackers in pictures, scripts, and other media that are directly included in emails.

How this is useful: Let’s say you click on a link in an email to look at a brand-new pair of shoes. The website of the loaded shoe retailer may incorporate your identity (in the form of your email address or other identifiers) and send it to other businesses so they can track you online. Link Tracking Protection offers some defense against this possibility.

Smarter Encryption: We’ve started upgrading insecure (unencrypted, HTTP) links in emails to secure (encrypted, HTTPS) links when they are on our upgradeable list using the same Smarter Encryption (HTTPS Upgrading) that’s used in our search engine and apps.

How that aids: Any activity you perform on a website, including the precise pages you visit and the search keywords you enter, is exposed to prying eyes if you click on an email link that begins with http://. The website’s Internet connection is encrypted when the address begins with https:// (with a s at the end). If somebody is trying to spy on you, such as your Internet service provider or a Wi-Fi snooper, all they’ll be able to see is the URL you’re visiting.

You may update your Duck Address more easily thanks to the new self-service dashboard.

“Very helpful for websites that ask for an email address when making a purchase, especially when I have no reason to contact the business other than through an online contact form.”
“The best thing is that if somebody spams, I may deactivate randomized email addresses at any time,” the author writes.
“I’m hesitant to sign up for anything, but now that I have, I would not have [otherwise],” the author says of the newsletter she recently subscribed to.
“I use the secret address sometimes when I don’t trust a shopping site or when I have to provide my email to a site I’m worried would spam me.”

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser for iOS and Android, DuckDuckGo for Mac (beta), and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials browser extensions for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Brave all enable Getting Started Email Protection.

Mobile: Open Settings > Email Protection in the most recent DuckDuckGo app to begin.
Desktop: Go to using the most recent DuckDuckGo plugin or DuckDuckGo for Mac (beta).

You’re ready to use your Personal Duck Address as soon as you complete the procedures to do so. Additionally, while exploring, search for our mascot Dax the Duck who can autofill your Personal Duck Address or instantly build a Private Duck Address for you.

DuckDuckGo Email Protection will never track you, just like all THE functionalities. Your emails don’t concern us, in our opinion. We immediately apply our tracking protections to emails that arrive at your Duck Addresses, forward them to you, and never store them on our servers. We don’t track sender information or topic lines.

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